miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

7.10 (B) "May the power of the Mouse be with you"

In the times of breaking news about the biggest storm to ever hit the U.S. East Coast, there comes a blast from the West: Disney has bought LucasFilm for 4,050 millions of dollars. Period.
In Star Wars jargon now we can say that "The Mouse has conquered the dark side of the Force and literally has become more powerful than we could ever imagine".
As simple as that.
Being myself a fan of many products from both entertainment powerhouses, and understanding that "business is the word", I only can say that if the newly acquired property is treated as like as most of the material from Pixar and Marvel (Disney's most recent and lucrative acquisitions) has been worked on over the past years, and especially taking the word of George Lucas himself about "passing the legacy of Star Wars to new filmmakers", then I believe that there could be an awesome future for the saga.
To think about a new trilogy that would involve creative people like those from Disney & Pixar, with the opportunity to hire a great director and with the proper use of technology to finally make again a good movie about starships and distant planets, with action and compelling stories from its beloved characters, both old and new, then I can't wait for 2015.
But miracles like a good "Episode 7" can only be accomplished if Lucas is true to his word about not directing any new Star Wars movie and Disney works on it with the same passion of its own founder back in the day when the company was not the entertainment juggernaut that it has become today.
Not only the media but even the theme parks will also get their own share of the Star Wars-Indiana Jones "combo", because the already popular "E" ticket rides now will have a chance of becoming complete "lands" or brand new parks.
Only time will tell if it was a wise move to buy that franchise "in the middle of the storm", but like many people, I think that these current times may be also a good moment to re-imagine what has happened in a galaxy far, far away.
... well, it'll be good as long as there are no new annoying characters (enter Jar Jar Binks) in the foreseeable future of Star Wars.

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