jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013

8.12 (B) 30 songs 4 U

4 B on a 09-02-13

Dear Friend:

I know that you enjoy music [who doesn't?] and probably we have shared great moments while listening to One or more of the following not-so-random songs that I want to recall while thinking out loud:

From the very start of the journey, I remember the day when I got to know what Space Oddity was [definitely not the song by Chandler Bing] and then, some months later, and in a different context, a design exercise showed me the possibilities of what that same song could look like. Of course I will talk about the music I love, but in the end, that's because you have been there: We've seen Beautiful Day performed live by U2 on iconic venues at two great cities, and yet I can say that I would share Dancing Barefoot and Original of the Species on any day because the lesser known songs can be beautiful too!

We have shared great musical moments, sometimes at epic roadtrip/concerts like watching Paul McCartney playing Live and let die [which was simply awesome!], yet I must confess that I enjoyed better Hope of deliverance and I've just seen a face 'cause, as I told you, some of the "little" songs have that peculiar grace of being great without needing to be so complex or loud. I am a big time Beatles fan, but I've got to admit that Paul's Maybe I'm amazed is a personal favorite, sometimes I feel that I might still be in the middle of something that I don't truly understand. On the opposite, the most moving "sad" song has to be Here today, because with that one I have realized harsh things so many times that I can say that though I never understood a word, you were always there, with a smile.

I have learned to appreciate new songs, music that I would not have imagined that I could listen on a regular basis: really good memories come from that time when God put a smile upon your face or Ruby Tuesday appeared out of nowhere. Even when we shared that movie with Girl from the north country on the soundtrack, many months later, I'd say like Johnny and Bob: that's the way I remember her best.

Like any good rollercoaster [although you don't like those rides], we've been through ups and downs, building and then tearing down The Wall [arena or stadium version, you name it we've seen it] and still, I wish you were there when at the Hollywood Bowl Roger Waters performed Shine on you crazy diamond and the final combo of Brain damage / Eclipse from the Dark side of the moon. Sure it was not Pink Floyd at all, but it was very, very close... I know that you would have enjoyed that tour.

A change in residence and knowing new people led to musical discoveries, and at the center was "The Boss": Wrecking Ball is a song to heal and start new cycles, but it is also good rock. Bruce Springsteen makes from all his concerts material for the time capsule, you'd be amazed that after three and a half hours he may start to think about a finale when he decides to perform Born to run and Dancing in the dark. I know that you ain't a Springsteen fan, but neither did I know his music one year ago, and yet I can recommend you some of his better songs for those moments when you feel that your world is falling apart or maybe for when the good times arrive to that daily adventure which we call life.

You may or may not have listened to Muse's Starlight, such a great song, and though probably you know Wolfmother better than I do, the memories [not only musical but from a certain movie] when I listen to Vagabond always set the mood for better things to come. Some songs apply for every situation and I can say that Do you realize?? will always remind me of you.

You don't like The Killers at all, but they are good, just listen to All these things that I've done, and while not kidding, sometimes I wonder if you can Read my mind. I really embraced the time when you shared I won't give up, such a powerful song... and the only way I can say thank you is by asking you to listen to Human touch. Don't know if we can be Heroes, but I know that our paths might cross and part ways just as the amazing things that can happen during A day in the life.

No need to say more, just Hello Goodbye and, as that lady said at the Rose Bowl: "Have a great life!"

Love always,


p.s. ...and when lyrics are not needed, just remember Rhapsody in Blue.

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